Youxin Xing
I am a PhD candidate in Rendering Group at Shandong University.
I am advised by Dr. Lu Wang and Dr. Beibei Wang.
I am interested in computer graphics, especially in real-time rendering and materials. Now I am working in material inverse with deep learning methods. My goal is to find a better way to approximate the material appearance as accurate as possible. Exploring the real world and representing it in the virtual world is enjoyable for me.
A Tiny Example-Based Procedural Model for Real-Time Glinty Appearance Rendering CVM, 2024 (JCST, to apear)[PDF] [Paper Page]
Real-time All-frequency Global Illumination with Radiance Caching CVM, 2023 (CVMJ)[PDF] [Paper Page]
I enjoy listening to music and skateboarding in my free time. I love food and small talk, and lately I've been interested in motorcycles.